
Showing posts from August, 2016
Vocabulary Tone-authors attitude towards the audience ,topic, or characters Theme - the central message Mood- readers emotion when they read Diction- the words an author uses to tell a story Syntax- the way the author organizes the words in a story Apotheosis-  the ideal example; epitome; quinces sense Stupid- lacking intelligence or common sense Adumbrate- to produce a faint image or resemblance of ; the outline or sketch Ascetic- a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals Bauble- to influence by trickery, flattery Burgeon- to grow or develop quickly; flourish Complement- something that completes or makes perfect Contumacious - stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinately disobedient Curmudgeon- bad tempered, difficult,  cantankerous person Allusion- a reference to what the author thinks we should know
Conscience of a hacker My impression of this was that the kids are being judged by the adults . The adults assume that all the kids are alike. Maybe the hacker is the adults because they are getting to the kids minds and making them think that they can't do things. So the hacker if this made it seem it was a kid that may have been judged for the wrong reasons.
Ancient stories its important to tell the story word for word because you could see how the stories have changed over time as the time goes on. Also because some people like hearing the original story than a newer version that is being told.
Ancient stories The text is similar from the language you use everyday conversation because when we speak it's like we're telling a story when we speak. When we have a conversation it's like we are telling a story in some ways like when we retell what occurred that day
Notes Theme of Richard Cory would be what something may seem may not be what is really occurring. Tone- authors attitude towards the audience , topic or characters Mood- readers emotions when they read Syllogism- base form of logical argument Truth- has to be factually varifiable in the world Validity- my conclusion follows lodge ally from my premices Diction- the words an author uses to tell a story Syntax- the way the author organizes the words in a story "The medium is the message " Verbal- what I say Para verbal- how I use my voice Non verbal- body language, facial expression
"The earth on turtle's back " When I read this at first the story was like confusing cause it started off by the lady dreaming about a tree and told her husband her dream and he said that it was about some power . Then they pulled the tree and she fell in and there was just water and the water animals had to bring up earth for her .  It was kind of weird . But when the mouse thing pulled up the earth it was kind of interesting . I just kind of confused me that's all I gotta say.
First impression  "The right to your opinion"  My first impression to the rights to your opinion was seeing that there's was five pages to read. I thought it was gonna be like a little passage but I was wrong. But as I read it I did think it was interesting. While I was  reading I agreed that every one was entitled to there own opinions. I do think people should be able to say what they want to say when they want to say something. "Richard Cory"  When I first read "Richard Cory" I thought it was depressing. It was depressing because he seemed like he was enjoying life and people saw him as "perfect" but  they never knew what was really occurring with him. Richard Cory
Hi!! My name is Vivian Garcia and I'm 16 years old . I was born in Santa Maria.