
Showing posts from 2016

Healthy kids survey

Quaver-sham dot tremble Phlegm-calmness in a difficult or unpleasant situation Annihilate-destroy utterly Infinitesimally- extremely small Delirium - a mental state in which you are confused and not able to think or speak clearly Poised- ready or prepared for something Primeval- basic or powerful Subliminal- relating to things that influence your mind in a way that you do not notice Exquisite- finely done or made Undulate-having a wavysirface, edge or marking

Emerson's child

        If Emerson could say something about the 2016 election he would be very surprised about the candidates. But he would also find a way to see the good about the two which I know may be surprising but it true. I feel like Emerson would say about the two candidates that if we looked at the two candidates and judge them as you think you want to be treated if you were in that position. He would suggest we should move on cause that was what the majority of they people voted for and we can't change the results and that you may be surprised what the candidate may due that is different on what his character really is but they country should just accept that also even if they don't like it.         If Emerson could give us advice about we should pursue our goals he would just tells us to try to go for what you want and don't stop till you achieve it. But if he could see our school and our school aspirations I think he would give us a lot of motivati...

An earth shattering fart

When I finished reading " A sound of thunder" it reminded me of the movie the butterfly effect with Ashton Kutcher. I liked this story but I was surprised when I read that by killin one butterfly a lot of things changed when they went back to there time. Now that I think about that probably how they came up with the phrase butterfly effect.

emerson presentations day 4

"The soul is No travel or the soul is always at home"  giovanny said it meant to him that it feels nice to know how it feels to feel at comfortable being himself. "These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world" issayas says that to him it means that when he's by himself he feels like being alone you know your place.

Emerson presentations day 3

The first presentation was saying that everyone was equal and that why can't we vote at this age? If Emerson is saying that everyone is equal and the youth are very smart. They said that why are they teaching Emerson if they are saying that everyone is equal. Nicol said the quote "what I must do is all that concerns me not what others my think" and she said it's a quote she uses to do her own thing not think what others may say. On keleiff and Marcos presentation they were saying that everyone goes through obstacles like school for instance school teaches us things that we already know but just teach us in a slightly different way. "What I must do is what concerns me" was a quote that Jaime and Richard and angel said that the quote meant to be true to yourself and over come obstacles that only concerns you. Don't worry what others think but be yourself.

Emerson presentations day 2

Jason and aby did Kahoot they were asking about quotes that we're in essay and what I thought it meant wasn't on there  but there definition of them. Like for instance the quote what I do is all concerns..." means that you make decisions and no one should judge you for that. Tone for Emerson would be optimistic, inspirational ,hopeful , and sincere. "Nothing can bring you peace but your self." and "trust thy self" " to be great is to be misunderstood" ofelia choose these quotes as they were all somewhat in common.  " if  you are noble....."  he choose the quote because it talks about respect among everyone's opinion that jay choose.

Emerson presentations day 1

On satchel presentation he defined the Latin quote " ne te quarsiveris extra" which he said meant that it meant do not seek outside yourself but look with in yourself. He explained that he uses the quote to see situations differently and not over react and look at the positive side of the situation. There was also a presentation on Lahore and I got most of the answers right but there were some I thought u had gotten it right but the people that did the questions thought that was the correct answer. I noticed that during the kahootbthat many people disagreed with the answer that they put was right. But the people that did the presentation did mess up they admitted to that. But I agreed with José Luis that la hoot is a fun way to learn that is also competitive also.

Author in progress

I wrote the best I could in the amount of time I had. I was somewhat prepared to take the essay. I think I need to improve a little more on my writing more on answering the answers more accurately

Mind map

I haven't done anything in the mind map because I'm struggling on what to put on the mind map cause the self reliance is not easy to understand but I'll soon find something to post

Team vocab

We all know Donald Trump is a venomous person. In the other hand Hilary is a stolid person compared to Trump. Trump looked hypnotized during the debate Trump shall be suspended. Trump transformed the debate into a joke. he accused people all the time. He starts to anticipate things that aren't going to happen. He plans to build a fringe between Mexico and the U.S. He makes people feel melancholy. Trump never speaks earnestly. that's why he always gets dissolved. then he aggravates the U.S . Trump needs to illuminate and realize he's blowing up peoples capillaries, and no offense but trump has the looks of a proboscis.

Letter to mentor draft #1

Why certain animals behave differently than other kind of animals?  Do animals have hate certain animals cause it there instinct? Do animals just hate every other animals cause they just feel like it? Why do certain aninals get along when sometimes there known to dislike each other ? Can you control an animal to like another species?

Anti-bullying assembly

I attended the anti bully assembly. in the assembly they have a girl behind a white curtain and she was reading her diary and in her diary she was reading on how she was verbally bullied . She talked about cyber, verbal, physical, and socially bullied. she also explained that she wanted her parents to be happy after she committed suicide. After the assembly it shocked me for some reason because some of us think that we are living a normal life but forget that others have it worse than us. I also learned that we should appreciate the great opportunities that we may be given.

Inciting Incident

For me the story was kind of mysterious. It seemed a little weird on how he was the only one that was walking on the streets in his city and people thought he was weird because of that. Another thing that tripped me out was when the police said to get in the car and when the man did the car drove off by itself without a driver.

Pedestrian first impression

 My first impression of the pedestrian is why is this guy seem so lonely or is he dreaming or something. he seemed like he is misplaced from the world around him. he also seems like an outsider or sees things differently.

Respect my Authority?

Having authority figures supporting me is very helpful even if sometimes I may disagree with some things that say cause I know that there only trying to help me succeed in life. I feel like without authority I don't know how I'd be . I for sures need authority in my life even if some of my autoritario figures may disagree with u may be doing with my life or the mistakes I made. For me authority figures are a huge part of my life .
Fall vocab #4 Intermittent- stopping or ceasing time ; alternately ceasing and beginning again Ebb- the movement of the tide out to sea Regress- to move backward; go back Tendency- a natural or prevailing disposition to move, proceed, or act in some direction or toward some point , end, or result Antiseptic- pertaining to or affecting
Vocab #3 Coherent: logically connected; consistent Belabor: to explain, worry about, or work at repeatedly or more than is necessary Eschew: to I stain or keep away from, shun; avoid Acquisitive: tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth Emulate: to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass Banal: devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite Excoriation: to denounce or berate severely; flay verbally Conqueal- to change from a soft or fluid state to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing Carping- characterized by fussy or petulant fault finding; querulous. Substantiate- to establish by proof or competent evidence Temporize- to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting Largesse- generous bestowal of gifts Tenable- capable of being held, maintained , or defended, as against attack or dispute Reconnaissance- to inspect, observe, or survey in order to gain info for military purposes Germane- ...
My Aeries  I received a B on my essay on Young Goodman Brown and Earth on turtles back. When I saw that I received a B I was surprised because I was expecting a C on it. I was expecting that because I knew that the essay needed more about syntax and diction about the two stories and that was what the question to the printed was asking for and I thought I blew it when I finished writing my essay I was gonna start all over but then I saw the clock and as that u didn't have time to do another one. When I was writing I wasn't thing I was just writing like I already knew what I was gonna write which was good .I'm glad start over  because I did better than what u expected that I would do on it. On this course I think I could have done better but right now I think I deserve a B or C for my overall grade in this class. I deserve that because I do the journals in class and I put allot of thought into my journals.
Literary analysis #1 Beautiful demons by Sarra Cannon This book is about a sixteen year old girl named Harper Madision.Harper has been to foster home after another since she was 10 years old . Harper is a girl that gets into trouble and hardly stays in one place. She always knew she was different like when she gets angry she makes things move with her mind. So know she has been kicked out from her old foster home and now he's social work is finding a place for her. Sense her other foster homes kicked her out cause how hard she is to handle there are limited places she could go. But there is this one place she could go but she doesn't want to go but her other option is to go to juvinele hall till she's 18. The theme for this story I would say is chaos.
Vocabulary list #2 Faith- complete trust or confidence in someone or something Threshold- piece of wood or stone placed beneath a door Tarry- to remain or stay, as in a place or to linger Resolve- to come to a definite or decision about; determine Discern- to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see; recongize or apprehend Martyr- a person who willingly suffers death rather then renounce his or her religion Mirth - gaiety or jollity, especially when accompanied by laughter Catechisnm- a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instructions for Christians Pious- having or showing a dutiful spirt of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations Frenzy- extreme mental agitation; wild excitement or derangement
Vocabulary Tone-authors attitude towards the audience ,topic, or characters Theme - the central message Mood- readers emotion when they read Diction- the words an author uses to tell a story Syntax- the way the author organizes the words in a story Apotheosis-  the ideal example; epitome; quinces sense Stupid- lacking intelligence or common sense Adumbrate- to produce a faint image or resemblance of ; the outline or sketch Ascetic- a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals Bauble- to influence by trickery, flattery Burgeon- to grow or develop quickly; flourish Complement- something that completes or makes perfect Contumacious - stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinately disobedient Curmudgeon- bad tempered, difficult,  cantankerous person Allusion- a reference to what the author thinks we should know
Conscience of a hacker My impression of this was that the kids are being judged by the adults . The adults assume that all the kids are alike. Maybe the hacker is the adults because they are getting to the kids minds and making them think that they can't do things. So the hacker if this made it seem it was a kid that may have been judged for the wrong reasons.
Ancient stories its important to tell the story word for word because you could see how the stories have changed over time as the time goes on. Also because some people like hearing the original story than a newer version that is being told.
Ancient stories The text is similar from the language you use everyday conversation because when we speak it's like we're telling a story when we speak. When we have a conversation it's like we are telling a story in some ways like when we retell what occurred that day
Notes Theme of Richard Cory would be what something may seem may not be what is really occurring. Tone- authors attitude towards the audience , topic or characters Mood- readers emotions when they read Syllogism- base form of logical argument Truth- has to be factually varifiable in the world Validity- my conclusion follows lodge ally from my premices Diction- the words an author uses to tell a story Syntax- the way the author organizes the words in a story "The medium is the message " Verbal- what I say Para verbal- how I use my voice Non verbal- body language, facial expression
"The earth on turtle's back " When I read this at first the story was like confusing cause it started off by the lady dreaming about a tree and told her husband her dream and he said that it was about some power . Then they pulled the tree and she fell in and there was just water and the water animals had to bring up earth for her .  It was kind of weird . But when the mouse thing pulled up the earth it was kind of interesting . I just kind of confused me that's all I gotta say.
First impression  "The right to your opinion"  My first impression to the rights to your opinion was seeing that there's was five pages to read. I thought it was gonna be like a little passage but I was wrong. But as I read it I did think it was interesting. While I was  reading I agreed that every one was entitled to there own opinions. I do think people should be able to say what they want to say when they want to say something. "Richard Cory"  When I first read "Richard Cory" I thought it was depressing. It was depressing because he seemed like he was enjoying life and people saw him as "perfect" but  they never knew what was really occurring with him. Richard Cory
Hi!! My name is Vivian Garcia and I'm 16 years old . I was born in Santa Maria.